by zeke | Aug 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Treehouse Day 4 Today, at my clients treehouse project, I graduated from working from the ground on stepladders (on uneven ground) to complete the main deck joist framing to actually working up “in the treehouse”, standing on the main deck frame I’ve built...
by zeke | Aug 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Treehouse Day 3 Today, on my 2nd day at my client’s treehouse project, I continued to make good progress. I got the main outside frame I started yesterday squared and leveled, mounted rubber where the deck frame meets the limbs to protect the limbs, mounted the...
by zeke | Aug 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Treehouse Day 2 After buying all of the lumber for the main deck late last week, today I began building my client’s treehouse. Today was probably the most difficult day of the project – figuring out how to build the main deck box frame into/onto the...
by zeke | Aug 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Treehouse Day 1 This afternoon, I revisited the home (and backyard) of a new client who I’ll be building a treehouse for… Well, I’ll be building a treehouse for their 3 sons…With the clients help we got onto stepladders, took measurements with...